The Sushi leftovers….


Last night I was supposed to see the Muffs with Sonia, but after our Matt Elliott experience we sort of change our minds and we went for some Sushi. Sonia, who is also a bit of a sybarite and knows pretty well how to enjoy a nice Sushi,  suggested Hanaita, a little Japanese (what else could it be) restaurant with a pretty lame decoration recurring some of the most known  topics of the Japanese culture (Hiroshige Prints, a framed old kimono and some Japanese paper lanterns …). As per the information given by the  surprisingly Spanish waiter (or should I say maitre) the kitchen is run by the only Japanese Master Chef in Europe and even if I don´t quite believe this last part, the restaurant serves one of the best Sushi I ever had, including ¨Bellota Sushi¨ a creation that mixes the Japanese recipe with Serrano Ham one of the most exquisite delicacies of the Spanish cuisine.
After a quick look at the Menu, the choice was simple a mixed Set of Sushi and a mixed set of Maki, as I´m not much of an enologist my drink was a beer and Sonia opted for some white wine that according to her face seemed quite alright. The fish, tender and fresh, was delicious. The only problem the amount, it was way too much for the two of us. So once we finished enjoying the delicatessens prepared by our ¨Master Chef¨ we found out that there was still plenty of Maki left. Therefore my Innocent Suggestion was to kindly ask the Maitre if we could take in a doggy bag our leftovers so I could have them today for lunch. The Maitre´s response, in a tone that didn´t hide a certain outrage feeling, was that they never leave the food out of the restaurant as it could get bad and consequently produce in the customer a certain indisposition and as he literally said -¨no one has come back to this restaurant with a funny Stomach in 20 years¨-
My reflection is simple: we ordered some food, we didn’t finish it (we actually left more that 10 pieces of Maki) and as paying guests (and believe me it was expensive) we had the right to take our leftovers with us and get sick with them if we have to. The situation could actually have burst in an endless argument between us (especially me) defending my right as a customer and the Waiter remarking how the Sushi after a few hours loses his freshness. Luckily or unluckily we were so subjugated by the food that I even felt embarrassed for having asked. Consequently I had a sandwich and a salad for lunch and the Cats of the back of the Restaurant are becoming Gourmets eating ¨Master Chef¨ leftovers of people like me who don’t dare to use their right as customers….

5 Responses to “The Sushi leftovers….”

  1. daltontwin Says:

    Go on Mate The guy was just looking after your health.

  2. kiwisnofruit Says:

    at least you used your right as blogger to look back in anger – and you’re doin quite a fine job at that, very enjoyable eloquence here.

  3. unsubstainedrumours Says:

    Thanks for the Feedback….But you know what?
    at the end I didnt get m Sushi….. :)

  4. erratica69 Says:

    luckily it was a waiter and no cabdriver ;)

  5. unsubstainedrumours Says:

    Right….Maybe I´ll write one day about the Cab incident…..even when it´s been a while I haven´t been able to get over it yet… still traumatically fresh (like the Sushi) in my head….;)

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